Bridging The Gap Between Sharing Emotions and Mobile Phones - Using Technology To Reduce Isolation

Social Support is vital right now.

Our first proprietary technology Be A Looper® is driven by social support, with the emphasis on reducing isolation by providing a sense of safety and community. 

Our own Roy Sugarman PHD explains that, we know from Self-Determination Theory that the concept of relatedness as a powerful need and driver of behaviour has been proven out in many settings. Allied to this concept is the need to support autonomy and competence, related to self-efficacy, all part of ways to prevent the onset of helplessness, which is a driver of suicidal ideation.

Recently, the The Australian Psychological Society (via ) provided some tips for combatting loneliness:

  • Focus on your current social network rather than trying to make new friends, as that can be daunting for some people.

  • Make small efforts over time to interact with others, such as greeting people you see while out exercising or at the supermarket

  • Enhance the quality of your interactions, for example, by putting away distractions like phones and giving others your full attention.

  • Invite a colleague, friend or neighbour to have a coffee over a video chat.

  • Exercise with a friend or neighbour.

  • Look for online groups related to a hobby you may have re-engaged with.

  • Be open to the possibility of social interaction and be flexible about how you might be able to have it.

  • Think about ways you have managed feelings of loneliness in the past (e.g., looking at photographs of loved ones, phoning or writing to others, seeking professional help).

  • If you are missing the closeness of physical touch with others, it can be helpful to wear a jumper or blanket that reminds you of them and to seek comfort from each other through kind words and listening to each other.

If you have pets, they may provide extra companionship at this time.

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You can download Be A Looper for iPad and iPhone free on the App Store by searching "Be A Looper". 

You can use this tutorial to learn how to populate your support group and use the features.


About Be A Looper:

Be A Looper is a world first daily mental health check-in and peer support app to keep users "in the Loop" with up to five people globally.

The tool, created by leading mental health and design specialists, assists users to both share how their day is tracking in a gamified way while also keeping a close eye on those they care about.

Spreading to 87 countries since December 2017, the proprietary application is a testament that social support, chain-diffusion and role modelling vulnerability plays a significant role in chronic disease self-management and in lowering the suicide rate, globally using technology.

Amanda Johnstone